Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sketch Book Challenge - "Cant Resist This"

I cant resist the colour blue, old things & rust. for the sketch i used a 4b lead pencil, a candle to create the resist for the white area of light on the container, blue inktense watercolour pencil on the background, which had a wash of raw sienna, ultramarine blue & burnt sienna. the other watercolours used were cerulean blue & alizarin crimson. (raylee).

Table runner

Start with a long piece of fabric, to fit your table or whatever needs a runner, add some bits & pieces , i like to mix it up a bit with different textures, colours & designs to give more interest to the runner. add some buttons , puff patches , old patchwork & embroidery thread & old doilies any thing you like really, as much or as little until you feel happy with it. .....this one needs some more before it finds a place to reside. i have used op-shop finds for this project, & block printed the white cotton myself. (raylee).

Monday, May 30, 2011

Inspiration? - (Flights of Fancy Journal)

Inspiration - where does it come from?....Everywhere! Inside, outside, books, magazines,TV, other peoples art, photography, nature....the list is long. I think we are all inspired by someone , somewhere along the way, memories, music, words that trigger a certain time or event that has influenced our ideas. Even the weather can be inspiring. Colour, sounds, nature, i said that already, didnt i?....Lazy clouds drifting across a sky of perfect blue. The breeze caressing a flower till it sways to the rhythm of its own dance. Thats what i want to do - sway to the rhythm of my own dance, yes i need to be pushed every now & then by the breeze of someone elses ideas, gently guided until i create my own take on their creations, not wanting to copy, but use the part that caught my eye, & reinvent it in my own style. We start life influenced by our parents, then teachers, the list goes on .......who inspired & influenced those before us? I think its a circle that never ends, it just grows as we expand our knowledge. We all become teachers when we pass on our thoughts, ideas, trials & errors. Those who learn from us will use the information passed on to them in their own way & hopefully in turn pass it on to someone else......creating that circle that never ends. A completed page from "Flights of Fancy Journal". (raylee).

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Do you like dragonflies? ..........i do. this one perched on the aerial of the car & stayed long enough for some photos.(raylee).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Op Shop Doll

She was all dressed up with nowhere to go .....until someone came along with a couple of dollars & took her home. (raylee).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Zigzag Crochet

this is what was hiding behind the night scene panel on the previous post....
an oldie made to cover the cold knees while watching TV...
works too....apparently....
we haven't yet replaced the last heater when it died a couple of years ago...

Patchwork Panels

well here's some more of the panel project...
as you can now see the sun does look brown but it does flash gold in the light...
not the greatest of photos...
not sure if its me or the camera??..
and then there's night...
as I said very rough...
just enough to get the idea of it....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Recipe to Share

A quick & easy fix for the sweet tooth......

Recipe: 1 cup SR Flour

1 cup cream

1/2 cup castor sugar

1/2 cup choc bits
mix till all ingredients are just combined *dont over mix*
spoon into mufffin pan
bake at 200c ( fan forced oven) about 10-15 mins
dust the top with powdered chocolate

Taste!!!....... Yummy!!!!

This was the first time i used "silicone muffin pans" , no greasing , no sticking.....easy to remove the muffin from the pan.....easy clean.....in the dishwasher. muffin pan compliments of "Australian Home Beautiful" magazine.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Patchwork Panel for Play

It's a shame to bump Raylees lovely red geraniums....
but she's busting for a look at what I'm doing so....
here's a sneaky peak...

It's very much a work-in-progress so keep watching...
being influenced by the activities of Miss5....
making shapes....
then forming pictures of people or scenes...
I thought I'd try and make a quilt or mat she can use to play on....
very naive structure and rough sewing...
with more embellishment coming....
like doors and windows and maybe flowers....
may take a while to actually finish....
then there will be more panels added to create different areas to play...

have already had the seal of approval when she spotted it....
grabbed it...laid it out...found her cars....and commenced play...
although I did get the comment that the sun is not brown....
(sorry it's not visible in this photo)
I assured her it was really gold which was satisfactory...

all bits found in my scap bag from other projects....
even tiny pieces not thrown away...
so I decided to try and do something with them...
I am my own worst enemy sometimes....
you would think I had something better to do.....maybe....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wee Jasper Journal

Red geraniums seemed to be in my mothers garden where ever we lived. i painted these geraniums from my own garden years ago, found it in my reject pile of watercolours & gave it a new purpose...... .....these sisters both loved their gardens...... the map in the background is of the Cooma-Monaro district where they both lived for quite a few years after they were married (they married brothers from this area).

The next layer is a piece of floral linen, not sure how old it is , but it had that look, to represent their love of sewing.

They were very particular about their appearance, i remember lots of hair curling, making new outfits , straightening the seams in stockings & shoe cleaning was a big thing ......& beads. (raylee).

Friday, May 20, 2011

Nudge 28 - Tape

This weeks nudge instructions were to use tape......so still using my reject watercolour paintings, i wrote the meaning of the word tape, from the "collins english dictionary", across the top of the page. i stuck double sided photo adhesive tape over the paper to preserve the light colour, added some watercolour inktense pencil, then brushed it with water. when it was dry i removed the tape.......the original painting was of a pink lily ( on the left).

the same photo tape & some masking tape & more pencils & water on the other page....

.... when it was dry i stuck on some cassette tape, ( from a broken cassette) also some cotton tape with impasto gel, & some masking tape, stenciled lettering, & more dry pencil. this art journal is an old work diary that i use for nudges, it works well when i use old paintings or sketch paper for these exercises, as i just stick them onto the pages of the diary when they are completed..... most times i have no idea how these exercises will turn out......& most times the end result is a surprise ! ....nothing like i imagined! (raylee).

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Art From The Past

Hello everyone i have been out of blog land for a while, doing other things. i have a bit of crafty/ stitching things on the go, nothing completed yet....... & still organising my work space. i came across some old painting exercises from my art class days. Watercolour on board.......

Pen & wash....10 yrs old.....


& a contour drawing on a watercolour background with pastel pencil added.......i did a contour drawing of different people while waiting at the airport then tried to make a painting from the drawings. its fun to look back at old things sometimes...... i noticed cobalt blue in all these paintings. (raylee).

Wooly knee rug

another wooly from Mum's stash....
she completed the knitting while over the west last year....
it's a bit small so I edged it with crochet....
hard to find some colours to match....
she was happy in the end....
but still only a knee rug....

Saturday, May 14, 2011


We have been busy with life....
had to make a castle for Miss5 recently....
door here...window there...and there...and there....
got the glue and pictures out to decorate the door....
but wait....no door please....its now a rocket....
we have a beautiful door....but nowhere to put it...!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Crochet bags

A blue dress and a yellow sheet are cut into strips....
then crocheted into a new creation....
bags for the little ones to carry their stuff around...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Love to all Mothers ......past, present & future. (raylee).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nudge 27 "Stitch"

Found this old painting exercise during my tidy up of the art area, looks like a Charles Reid inspired face, i think i was experimenting with the brown paper to see if leaving the light bits unpainted would work as well as when i did it on white paper. i think so , now that the hair has been made darker with the stitches the lighter parts are more visible. its on stiff brown paper, so was just right for this weeks nudge. (raylee).

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I got a Goldfish

Look what I found at the markets on Sunday....

isnt he gorgeous!!!...

he's been pre loved but I'm not sure if he's been handmade or from a mass produced source.....

the sparkles appear to be glued not sewn.....

but he's very pretty anyway....
not sure that he enjoys being on the fishing rod....

but I dont think the lace will support him for long....

Monday, May 2, 2011


Started the sorting of my found things......didnt get too far, but i put some of it to use. the end of an old wooden crate is now the base of this bird shelter, made from some old wire that still has some dead leaves still attached to it, i think they are from my passionfruit vine. the wire was kind of folded into a v shape , so i attached it to the nails that were still in the end part of the crate......

.....the birds i bought new. they have been in a cupboard for 4 months, now they can see the light of day as their shelter is so open..... i like the illusion of a cage thats not a cage at all! (raylee).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

something old is new again 2

I finally got the machine working long enough to finish this snuggly...

for the number 2 girl....

made from the cotton interlock rugs used when she was a baby....

cut up and pieced together in patchwork style with muslin backing...

now single bed size and just in time for the cooler weather....


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