Thursday, April 11, 2013

Blog Sharing

here are some of my favourite blogs, thought i would share with you :
 hanna does lots of collage & stitching & lots of other stuff too.
 i found hanna's blog via diana , a very generous artist.
 diana  introduced me to seth, a mixed media artist/ author. likes to  collaborate. a very giving artist.
 katie, a great photographer/artist. gorgeous black& white photos.
 ann stitches the most amazing owls, birds, boats & other things too.
 if you are looking for inspiration go to moredesignplease, diy, art, food, decor.
 if you like pretty, recycled, restored decorating go here.
 hope my flowers brighten your day & you enjoy these blogs, let me know if any of  these appeal to you. thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. what pretty flowers...I have the red geraniaums and I noticed a brohmiliad in red coming out tones must be the theme at the moment..those blogs are some of my favourites too..



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