Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 365 Creative Challenge 2013 !!!!!

 for today, the last of the  *365  creative challenge 2013*,  i scribbled water soluble crayon over old diary page, stuck some torn strips of blue painter's masking tape along the bottom of the page for the water,
 tore pieces from these two previous pages to make some trees, grass, flowers & a roof.......put on some more crayon,  & brushed with  water.......

 to create " river house".

thank you to everyone for visiting & following our blog.
happy new year!!


  1. girl is gorgeous...and the river house is lovely...clever girl!!..

  2. congratulations on making it to #365!! fantastic! you ended up with some stunning colors on that river house piece!

  3. Replies
    1. thank you, i do appreciate your support & comments.



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