Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Keep the Daily Flow Happening......

......Some days there are so many other things to do that art gets pushed to the back burner.
I decided in September that I would try to do something creative every day , even if it was only for a few minutes.
It is not always painting or drawing, sometimes a few rounds of crochet, sewing, or just taking photos, arranging a bunch of flowers in a vase.
Quick imaginary sketches on old book pages, or drawing over used sketch book pages are my favourites at the moment. Not thinking too much just letting a face appear.
 (crayon, pen & watercolour pencil).
Keeping a record of my daily bits of creativity helps to keep track of every thing I make/create.


  1. At our recent gathering I can see that you do this creative thing....it's like you can't get the next thing done until you have done something about it. ..nice face..but not familiar this time...xxx

    1. so true.....just put the pen to the paper & see what comes from the imagination.



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