Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Crayon, Watercolour Pencils & Pen Drawings & Doodles

Quick drawings & doodles on old book pages & over scribbles in a small sketch book.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Keep the Daily Flow Happening......

......Some days there are so many other things to do that art gets pushed to the back burner.
I decided in September that I would try to do something creative every day , even if it was only for a few minutes.
It is not always painting or drawing, sometimes a few rounds of crochet, sewing, or just taking photos, arranging a bunch of flowers in a vase.
Quick imaginary sketches on old book pages, or drawing over used sketch book pages are my favourites at the moment. Not thinking too much just letting a face appear.
 (crayon, pen & watercolour pencil).
Keeping a record of my daily bits of creativity helps to keep track of every thing I make/create.


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