Well the honour of the 200th post falls to me apparently....wow... who would have thought we'd get this far...thanks mainly to Raylee and her persistence in getting things completed....as well as her artistic talents...she is an inspiration and constantly amazes us with her creations....

this watercolour is in my collection and has been for many years...I think it was one of her first creations and has always reminded me of the drive to Wee Jasper....so as I have no new creations I thought you might like to see an oldie in this theme....

we dabbled in a bit of collage years ago and this is also in my collection.....made again by Raylee and is always hanging on my walls....hopefully my photos work out ok.....
oldies but goodies....here's to the next 200....watch this space!!!
touche'........looking forward to seeing your creations in the near future! thank you. i must say that i copied the watercolour from an art magazine in one of my early art classes with Holly Simpson.